In my early 20's I found that my joints, especially my knees were aching. I was working as a hairdresser in New York at the time and attributed the pain to long hours standing. At weeks end I would come home with swollen, heat throbbing knees. Needless to say, it was interfering with my nights out a the "Epanima" dance club and "Studio 54". When I mentioned it to my doctor, he laughed at the thought of me getting arthritis at such a young age. He made me feel embarrassed and angry and offered no solution. It's been hard to trust a doctor since. So there began my quest for alternative solutions. Little did I know my whole way of being would be influenced by that pivotal moment.
Life gives us the opportunity to learn and become aware. Given free will, we can choose to be lead and told what to do or we can view each of life's incidents as a challenge to learn.
I started reading about nutritional healing and came upon a chapter on fish oils. It stated that there is some truth to the old wives tale "taking cod liver oil will oil your joints". It continued, "If you have aching joints take 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil upon awakening and 2 tablespoons at bed time till you feel better. Then take less as needed. So what did I have to loose, I held my nose and tried it. You could imagine how bad I must have felt in order to commit such an unpalatable regiment! After 3-4 days I was feeling better. Thanks to the new-age revelation of Whole Foods, the taste and quality of fish oils has gone up, as well as the price. If you can't stomach the spoon fulls, there are always capsules, but you would have to take 3-4 to make one tablespoon.
Another oil that caught the buzz after the fish oils is flax seed oil, a vegetarian alternative. They both are beneficial to your health especially since they include the regally, exalted omegas. Apparently these are hard to get in foods but really good for you.
Years latter I found out that fish oils are really good for your skin. There's even a doctor out there who's prescribing eating good quality salmon at least 3 times a week to reduce and keep wrinkles away. Boy, with all the fish oils I have in my body, my skin should look like porcelain!
1 comment:
Hey Yvette,
Long time...Jon sent me the link to your blog. Interesting postings. You had asked Jon what I've been up to...I direct you to my blog, Got to love the internet.
I'll keep reading. Glad Jon found you out there in the world. Hi to Rick.
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